While I am young
Long time no see. I currently study in the U.S., California.
There have ...
T-shape形の人間になれ 07/21/2023
場所を見極めてから死ぬ気で掘れ 07/18/2023
そして、この考えは飽き性の僕にとって必要不可欠な ...
One of the best experiences I have ever had. 07/16/2023
Rewritten Version
Yesterday, I took participated in an event that adult ...
The common thing I found among successful people. 07/11/2023
After going through last year, in which I always felt depressed and surrounde ...
The reason I donate every day. 07/07/2023
I donate every time I visit convenience stores or super markets, although thi ...
若い人が年収のみで就活することで陥る危機 06/30/2023
昨日、AWS Japanの方とお会いし、今後の人生において忘れるべきでない大変有益なお話を聞けたので、その内容と自分の感じたことを記しておこうと思う。
What has happened 3days ago? 06/27/2023
It was a so dense day that a lot of things occurred from morning to midnight. ...
“Beyond your comfort zone” 6/23/2023
“Beyond your comfort zone.” This sounds like a cool phrase, right ...
In April 1975, the magazine was published which featured the Altair 8800, the ...